Works with Musical Topics by 16th and 17th Century Croatian Authors Preserved in Polish Libraries
Croatia, Poland, music writers, libraries, 16th century, 17th centuryAbstract
This paper resulted from research conducted in various libraries of the Republic of Poland within the exchange programme between the Polish and Croatian Academies of Sciences in the period 2008-2013 and during my participation in the international HERA research project MusMig (Music migrations in early Modern Age: the meeting of European East, West and South) from 2013 to 2016. The works under consideration were found in 20 Polish libraries in 11 cities in the form and range of 24 titles written by 10 authors and they exist in several dozens of copies. They form part of a much broader spectrum of all titles written by Croatian authors and published between the 16th and 18th centuries kept in Polish libraries in almost 300 copies in all. In this paper I will briefly describe the authors and their works containing musical topics as well as the Polish book collections in which they have been preserved, with some remarks on both the possible origins of these titles and on the question of how they came to be purchased.
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