Call for Papers
“Music in Society”. The Collection of Papers
Issue 13, 2022/2024
Academy of Music, University of Sarajevo
Musicological Society of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina
ISSN: 2303-5722 (Print)
ISSN: 2744-1261 (Online)
Indexed in
RILM Répertoire International de Littérature Musicale
EBSCO Music Index with Full Text
“Music in Society”. The Collection of Papers, No. 13 – Call for Papers
Dear Authors/Participants of the 13th International Symposium “Music in Society”,
The Editorial Board of Music in Society The Collection of Papers invites you to submit the paper you presented at the 13th International Symposium "Music in Society", which was organized by the Musicological Society of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Academy of Music of the University of Sarajevo in December 2022.
Submissions for the “Music in Society”. The Collection of Papers are open until September 1, 2023. The issue will be published in 2024.
The papers should be written in the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina (Bosnian, Serbian, Croatian) or in English. Since the publication now has a website as well, we kindly ask you to follow the instructions for the preparation and submission of papers presented in the Call for Papers section. Papers are subject to a double-blind review process. The notice of acceptance for papers will be sent by the editorial board to the authors by November 15, 2022.
If you have any questions regarding participation in the “Music in Society”. The Collection of Papers, please contact us via or +387 61 233 939.
We look forward to receiving your papers, and send our warm regards from Sarajevo!
The Editorial Board of “Music in Society” The Collection of Papers,
Issue editor:
Dr. Lana Šehović
Editorial Secretary
MA, Rijad Kaniža
The way in which the text is organised in this document corresponds to the way in which its individual elements will be entered in the OJS form. The text is entered in the order indicated.
Text Structure
First and Last Name of the Author:
Address (for editorial staff use only):
Email (for publication):
Contact phone number (for editorial staff use only):
Title of the Paper:
Abstract (50 words max.):
Key Words (3-5 words max.):
Main Text (3000-6000 words):
Summary (150 words max):
Short Biography (150 words max):
References (alphabetical list of references, prepared according to the following instructions):
Illustrations: Maximum 2 pages of illustrations (photographs, scores, diagrams etc.), the placing should be indicated in the text; at the end please add a list of illustrations with full captions given separately). Note: the authors undertake the obligation to regulate the copyright for the reproduced materials and confirm this when submitting the works.
Note / Proofreading:
Already copy-edited material will be considered for publication!
Technical Instructions
- Language:
- The main text can be in Bosnian/Serbian/Croatian or English (no longer than 20 pages); other elements such as the title, abstract, summary, keywords will be bilingual and translated by the publisher.
- Text Length:
- The maximum length of the text is 6000 words (20 cards), not including the bibliography.
- Document Format:
- Text: .doc, .docx;
- Illustrations: .jpg, .tiff, .eps, .pdf, high resolution files;
- Scores: .pdf or .sib.
- Formatting:
- Font: Times New Roman, 12 pt, 1.15 line spacing;
- Text Style: automatic footnotes/endnotes; justified; without any other text formatting such as the manual page numbering, entering headers or footers, automatic hyphenation only, no bold formatting, the only allowed formatting is italic.
- Please use:
- double quotation marks (“…”) for quotations within the text, and single quotation marks within quotation marks (“….‘…. ’…”);
- use a long dash (–), without spaces, between years and the number of pages;
- scale names, notes, etc. state in the following way: C Major, A Minor, etc;
- state the dates as follows: 25 April 1975; 19th century etc.
- state the full name, surname, date of birth and death for each person first mentioned in the paper, e.g. John Cage (1912–1992).
- names of compositions in italics: L. van Beethoven Fidelio.
- Quotes in the text should be translated. If you decide to attach translations from the original language, please place them in endnotes.
Music in Society employs the Chicago Manual of Style: the "notes and bibliography" system for sources cited in numbered footnotes and complete references in the list of references.
Example of citing an author's book:
- Zadie Smith, Swing Time(New York: Penguin Press, 2016), 315–16.
- Brian Grazer and Charles Fishman, A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life(New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015), 12.
Shortened notes:
- Smith, Swing Time, 320.
- Grazer and Fishman, Curious Mind, 37.
Bibliography entries (in alphabetical order)
Grazer, Brian, and Charles Fishman. A Curious Mind: The Secret to a Bigger Life. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2015.
Smith, Zadie. Swing Time. New York: Penguin Press, 2016.
For more information on referencing standards please visit the website Chicago Manual of Style website.
Reviewing Process
All papers will be peer-reviewed. Music in Society applies the double-blind review procedure.
Submission Process
The paper is to be submitted through the "Music in Society" online platform, via your personal account at If you contributed to the 11th or 12th issue of Music in Society, the editorial team will send you personalized data to log into your account in a separate email. Otherwise, please register as a new user on the platform, and then start with the submission process.
The deadline for submitting your text via the platform is September 1, 2023.
The 13th issue of the Music in Society. The Collection of Papers will be published in 2024.
For more information please do not hesitate to contact us via or +387 61 233 939
1) REGISTRATION (Click here to be forwarded to the website)
Authors who contributed to the “Music in Society”. The Collection of Papers Nos. 10, 11 and 12 (2016, 2018, and 2020) already have user accounts registered by the website administrator. Access data will subsequently be delivered by private email to their addresses. From that point on, the authors become responsible for their own data.
If you have not participated in previous issues of Music in Society and you do not have a user account, please click on the 'Registration' option in the upper right corner of the website.
Enter all the required information, then click ‘Register’. After receiving the confirmation email, click the provided link to activate your account. If you do not see the confirmation email in your inbox, be sure to check the ‘Spam’ or ‘Updates’ folders.
Once you have activated your account, log in using the information you provided during the registration process. The ‘Login’ button is located in the upper right corner of the website.
If you have done all the previous steps correctly, the Submissions Panel will load automatically. To submit your article, please click ‘New Submission’. After selecting the language of the article, select ‘Articles’ in the next section. Fill in the remaining sections at your discretion. Then press ‘Save and Continue’.
After uploading the article, the second step of submission (‘Review details’) will ask you to enter the correct filename, the way you want the editor to see it (we recommend the format: Name, Surname, and Title!). If your article is not bilingual, copy the same (monolingual) title into the required fields.
Once you have finished uploading all the files, click ‘Save and Continue’ and enter the metadata ((prefix, if the article is in English), title, subtitle, abstract) in the next step. In the ‘List of Contributors’ section, you can add the number of co-authors of the paper as needed.
After you have finished filling in the metadata, click ‘Finish Submission’ to complete the submission process for your article. From that point on, the article will be submitted to the editors, which completes the process for submitting the article application. Upon completing your application, you will receive an email confirming that we have received it.
Note: If you have any further questions, please contact us via or